Missions Resources

These are some of the resources we have found helpful or interesting over the last few months as we thought and prayed over the needs in the mission field. We will continue to add to it as we come across more.

Let’s Quit Kidding Ourselves About Missions by James M. Weber
An older, but very relevant survey of the common myths and misconceptions about the need for foreign missions by an experienced missionary to Japan.

Apple orchard parable
An excerpt from the above book. A vivid allegory of the well-intentioned but misguided efforts and resources of many Christians today. You can read or listen to it here.

If Not You, Then Who? by John Holbrook
When a young man was told by his parents that “others would take care of the unreached”, John Holbrook responds with a poignant question.

The Mind of a Missionary by David Joannes
An overview of the phases of missionary life, highlighting the motivations, expectations, risks, and rewards in the missionary venture, illustrated by the lives of missionaries, both historical and contemporary.

The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken
The story of a missionary couple’s life in some of the toughest places on Earth, combined with sobering and insightful stories of the remarkable people of faith they met along the way as they sought to answer the question of whether God truly is enough.

Made for the Journey by Elizabeth Elliot
Elizabeth Elliot’s introduction to her first mission post was an enjoyable and encouraging read/listen.

Mission Viewfinder
A first-person look at daily life in the mission field through the lenses of missionary videographers, Jonathan & Hannah Hill.

Jesus for Asia’s YouTube Channel
A large library of presentations by many seasoned missionaries, along with several TV series, and other insightful content on missions.

Joshua Project
A helpful database of the reach of Christianity within people groups of the world, highlighting areas of special need. Complete with a plethora of maps, graphs, and visualizations.

2022 General Conference Annual Council
The first day of the LEAD conference focused on missions, featuring an inspiring devotional and an insightful presentation on a framework for cultural contextualization, among other excellent presentations. The Sunday morning secretariat report was a truly moving panorama of the present day need for missions. The slow but steady decline in the number of missionaries entering the field was presented along with an interesting proposal for a strategic framework for mission prioritization.

Third Culture Kids by David C. Pollock, Ruth E. Van Reken, and Michael V. Pollock
Pretty much the definitive resource on the effects of cultural transition on children

Looming Transitions by Amy Young
“Moving from Montana to Thailand is not like moving from Montana to North Dakota”, our missionary friends tell us. This book gives practical guidance on preparing yourself for cross-cultural transition.

Mission Smart by David L. Frazier
Fifteen helpful questions to ask yourself before you launch.

Testimonies for the Church Volume 8, Chapter 4, Our Responsibility
Using a dramatic allegory of the waning interest of rescuers to save a distant colony dying of starvation, Ellen White indicts God’s people who neglect the needy ones in foreign fields.

Testimonies for the Church Volume 6, Chapter 3, Extension of the Work in Foreign Fields
How keeping pastors hovering at home prevents the gospel from reaching those who have never heard.

Christian Service, Chapter 19, The Home-Foreign Field
The opportunities and responsibilities presented by the people groups living in our own country.

An Appeal for Missions
A pamphlet by Ellen White on the needs of destitute mission fields.

Life Sketches, Chapter 33, Missionary Work

Life Sketches, Chapter 35, Into All the World

Gospel Workers, The Regions Beyond

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  1. Wow, this page itself is a great resource. Thanks for creating this! ❤️

  2. Tim, Londa and Caleb Bishop

    Thinking of you guys and enjoying your posts. These resources are wonderful. Thank you.

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