“Mommy, Does it Taste Good?”

We had communion for the first time in Thailand this week. It’s been over a year since I last had communion, and it was the same beautiful service I remember. It was moving to see people from so many corners of the globe—Europe, Asia, North and South America—all unitedly relishing the unspeakable gift of the body and blood of Christ that was freely given for all kindreds, tongues and peoples. As we prepared to partake, my mind wandered to the hundreds of missionaries who have sacrificed in the past to make this moment possible.

As usual, as the bread and grape juice was passed around, the kids started dropping not-so-subtle hints about how good it looked. They watched with wide eyes as first the communion bread and then the grape juice was served, and listened as the pastor and elders read the scripture passages in both Thai and English. As I lifted the grape juice to my lips, I heard a little voice at my elbow.

“Mommy, does it taste good?”

“Yes, it does” I smiled, and looked down to see a longing, upturned little face.

Something in that look of longing gripped me, and in an instant my mind was elsewhere: Reading my Bible in the morning, I imagine I can hear the little voice asking “Mommy, does it taste good?” Or as I make a choice to drink deeply of His life instead of giving way to impatience during a moment of frustration with the kids, I hear it again: “Mommy, does it taste good? It must. I want some too.” I also think with pain of the times when I have not taken the time to eat the Bread of Life and as a consequence missed out on golden opportunities to share it with others.

As I looked down at my three precious children and became aware of the din of hundreds of cars and motorcycles passing the church, I realized that now more than ever, I am surrounded by people who have no experience with this beautiful gift of Christ’s outpoured life. And they are watching. A few with longing, most with curiosity, many with indifference, and some with disdain. But they are watching nonetheless. And I can see the question written on their curious faces as we go about daily life here: “Does it taste good? Does it taste better than what I have?”

In this part of the world, there are so many mixed messages sent about the Christianity of the West. And I don’t at all blame some for looking on it with distaste. But by God’s grace, as we choose to drink deeply of Christ’s life and trust in His righteousness, I pray that our lives will spark a desire in those around us to taste and see.

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1 Comment

  1. Tim, Londa and Caleb Bishop

    Hello and almost “Happy New Year”! We think of your family often as we remember our trip one year ago when we met you all in Thailand. Looking forward to any updates on how life is going for you. One of my favorite photos from the missionary retreat we were at is of your family. I’d love to send it to you by WhatsApp if you’re interested. My number is ***-***-****. Looking forward to following more of your journey.


    Tim, Londa & Caleb Bishop

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